Location data to automate your accessorial identification.

Leverage our location attributes to identify limited access, residential, and lift-gate locations.

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Data Under the Hood

100% Geospatial

Our database is built on a geospatial framework, so we account for far more than just name and address when determining our location attributes. If we can find it on a map, we can tell you what's there.

Powered by AI

With hundreds of millions shipments processed, and billions of other location data points at our disposal, our algorithms can determine location attributes with unparalleled precision. If they're wrong, we have a feedback loop with carriers to correct bad data and learn from our mistakes.

99.5% Accurate

We receive one notification of a disputed accessorial for every 1,000 that we return. Consistent. Reliable. Accurate.

Location Type Identification

Limited Access: 
Shiplify location types are directly correlated with those referenced within LTL carrier rules tariffs. LTL carriers consider places like military bases, schools, mines, golf courses, and many more to be limited access. Carriers leverage our location types to ensure they're compensated for more costly deliveries. Shippers and 3PLs leverage our data to align with their carriers.

We'll tell you if a residence is at a particular location, regardless of how the shipment is consigned or if a business is being run from that property. Our residential location types are significantly more accurate than simply relying on RDI codes that look at surrounding areas.

Dock Access Identification

Shipping or delivering to a location without a loading dock? No problem. Our extensive database and best-in-class machine learning models can identify these locations in a fraction of a second, giving you the ability to know before you go. Utilize our Dock Access data to increase your location knowledge, operate more efficiently, and invoice more accurately.

Forklift Identification

So a location doesn’t have a loading dock? So what. They might have a forklift or other means of unloading freight. If not, then there's a high likelihood that a lift-gate will be required at delivery or the driver will have to help hand-unload the freight. Capitalize on the combination of our loading dock and forklift access data to know when a lift-gate might be required.


Many consignees share the same physical address but have a different suite or unit numbers. Shiplify differentiates location types and other attributes for each tenant at the same physical address, such as locations with or without docks, restaurants next to grocery stores, or tenants that have unique requirements.

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Get in Touch Today

Learn how Shiplify can help your business grow accessorial revenue, streamline operations, and reduce re-deliveries. Contact us at (404) 736-6551 or click the button to email us.

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