Paying Out the Accessorial?

Tired of sending shipments to locations that aren’t properly equipped to receive freight? Sick of the fees that follow? LTL Carriers often charge accessorial fees for delivering to locations with attributes that limit vehicle access or require extra equipment like lift gates. Now, you can unlock visibility into the same detailed location data that over 90% of LTL carriers use in their tariffs. Gain access to Shiplify’s suite of location attributes: Dock + Forklift Identification, Location Types Identification, and Lumper Identification.

Benefits for Shippers

Avoid frustrating fees, eliminate back-office headaches, and protect your margins by utilizing Shiplify’s location data at the time of order.

Identify Accessorials Sooner

Avoid discrepancies between your freight quotes and invoices by recognizing accessorial fees upfront.

Combat Margin Erosion

Say goodbye to the hidden costs of unknown accessorials eating away at your profit margins.

Streamline Your Deliveries

Know if they have a loading dock or forklift beforehand. Your driver and customer will be thankful too.

Cover Your Accessorial Shipments with Shiplify

Core Shipper Capabilities

Shippers don’t need to play catch-up in resolving accessorial issues. With these Shiplify capabilities, you’ll get and stay ahead of the game.

Exclusive Location Data

Our technology delivers detailed Location Type, Dock Access, and Forklift Identification attributes built on a geospatial framework to deliver deeper insights.

Shiplify Quick Lookup

Get key location data for one destination at a time to ensure a smooth delivery and catch any limited access, residential, and lift-gate attributes before you tender.

Shipment and Quote APIs

Explore location data based on specific shipment details, and make sure your quotes factor in carrier tariff nuances to build more alignment with invoices later.

Shiplify Batch Process

Lots of locations to look up at once or want to quote based on a larger volume of shipments? Our batch process can deliver accessorial insights at scale.

AI and ML

With hundreds of millions of shipments processed, and billions of location data points, our algorithms can determine location attributes with unparalleled precision.

99.5% Accuracy

We receive one notification of a disputed accessorial for every 1,000 that we return, and we have a built-in feedback loop to ensure the one is corrected.

Shipper Success Stories

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